3 Top Tips From Inc & Co’s Recruitment Experts for Landing your Next Role.

Landing the perfect role can be nerve-racking, exciting and time-consuming. Whether it’s deciding if you even want to leave your current position or if the grass is greener on the other side, things can be an emotional roller coaster.

Knowing what to say and when to say it can be the difference between landing that dream job or missing out at the last minute.

Our talent-finder duo, Elen & James, share their three top tips for applying for any position and applying for one of our many roles.

1) Prepare for the interview

Elen – Know the role and precisely what the company is looking for from the job description. If they’re looking for someone with in-depth knowledge about Health & Safety, how can you demonstrate that in the interview? Also, do your research on the company and be prepared to be inquisitive and ask about benefits, the company story and who you’ll be working with day to day.

2) Advice for graduates

James – Spend your time really developing your C.V. If you’re graduating, you might not have that work history other candidates will have. How can you show the employer your other skills? Do you volunteer part-time? Are you part of a university club? Dig deep.

Bonus Tip: Be proactive on Linkedin, follow the CEO and hiring manager on Linkedin long before you apply, then when you do apply, they might remember your comment on one of their posts recently.

3) Passion

– We are always looking for passionate people about what they do versus someone who doesn’t have that spark. If we can see your eyes light up when you talk about coding, we’re going to feel that vive, too, in the interview. We tend to pick new employees when you can tell they will work well in a team, as this is important to James and me when trying to make a space for you in the company. We’re a collaborative company, the ‘Co’ in Inc & Co stands for collaborative, so it means a lot to us.

Elen & James are always looking for exceptional individuals to join Inc & Co and its group of companies. You can always reach out to them about current positions, eye up a role for the future or just take a look at our benefits to get you in the mood.

You’re one e-mail away from your dream role at Inc & Co.

[email protected]

Benefits at Inc & Co

We pride ourselves on having the U.K’s most useful company benefits programme. Our benefits are more than just ‘pool tables and beanbags’ and we make sure that each benefit is something you actually, benefit from.
Benefits include: Yearly Company Festival, £5,000 Holiday competition, Arsenal & AO Arena box and discounts across our Inc Retail brands.

Find out more at Club100.incandco.com