Removing unconscious bias from our recruitment process

Press Release

Manchester-founded business group, Inc & Co has partnered with recruitment platform Team Tailor to remove unconscious biases from its hiring process, further championing diversity.

Team Tailor, which over 4,000 companies across the globe use, will work with Inc & Co to develop a recruitment pipeline that hides all personal information from candidate’s applications when they apply for a role. As well as this, Inc & Co are already ensuring all job adverts currently advertised are written in a gender-neutral way, further emphasising that everyone is welcome at Inc & Co.

Inc & Co has expanded its recruitment efforts in the past 12 months, and the Talent Team has successfully filled over 60 jobs in 2021 alone. The group handles all recruitment for its brands which now tops 15 and this new system will allow every candidate to have the same opportunity, regardless of race or gender.

Lynne Makinson-Walsh, Head of People at Inc & Co, said, “Since the beginning of Inc & Co, we have handled 90% of our recruitment efforts because we believe we know what the perfect candidate “looks like”. But, every company needs to do more, and we want to further strengthen and promote diversity in the group. We feel that we’re always fair and offer everyone the same opportunity. Still, unconscious bias is what it says, unconscious, and we want to avoid any shred of doubt that anyone applying has the same chance of a position. Candidates can be safe in the knowledge, that regardless of race or sex, that each and every candidate will be treated as a person, as they should.”

Removing unconscious bias from our recruitment process Inc & Co

Team Tailor will go live in November, and all personal data will be blurred out; the candidate’s name is replaced with a unique and anonymous pseudonym. By using a combination of colours and animals, Inc & Co’s recruitment team will still refer to the specific candidate by using the particular combination unique to the candidate. 

Elen Jones, Talent Manager at Inc & Co, said, “Using Team Tailor allows us to be as fair as possible to all candidates, removing all unconscious bias. My team and I are excited to have integrated  Team Tailor fully into our hiring processes and we can be sure that we are treating everyone with the fairness they deserve.”

Inc & Co has 15 brands across the U.K, and you can take a look at all our vacancies here.